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Who We Serve

We believe that it is the responsibility of church leaders to foster a community of care for their congregations. We provide churches with guidance and resources that will strengthen their ability to bear one another’s burdens with the love and encouragement of Christ. Arise-Canada seeks to supplement care, filling in the gaps of communication and sustainability with the involvement of an individual advocate or an advocate team.

Why Arise-Canada?

Arise-Canada began out of a hope to strengthen gospel centered churches in discipling their congregation. We have personally experienced and/or walked alongside members who have encountered various needs. We know the commitment and toll that it takes on leaders and members as they love one another through tough seasons. It’s often difficult to know how and who to ask for help, and in showing compassion to others, it’s often difficult to know where to be begin.

How We Serve

Our Director of Advocates provides a development session and guidance for the church advocate(s) who will be equipped to assist with the facilitation of care in the church. The advocate(s) could be individuals in church leadership or a team chosen by church leadership. 


The Director of Advocates and Arise team will provide ongoing support to the church through a provision of resources, collaborative gatherings, personal communication and additional workshops to ensure long-term care of members. Our prayer is to see the whole church community working properly to heal, bear fruit and be built up in Christ’s love.

Path to Church Partnership

1. Conversation


Connect with an Arise team member to discern if and how Arise-Canada may strengthen your church.

2. Development 


Select church members to join the development session led by our Director of Advocates to be equipped to serve.

3. Serve


Use the prepared materials alongside the on-going support of the Director of Advocates to serve your church.

Partnership Resources

*Full partnership includes access to all resources.   â€‹


Praying Hands

 “The limits and fatigue of church leaders is a very real thing! I appreciate what you’re doing!”

 “A much-needed vision for churches. Thank you!”

“I love the idea of continuity of care and the emphasis on communication.”

“I absolutely love the vision, mission and values of Arise-Canada!”

Free Resource

Complete the short survey and receive a free gift of encouragement.

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