Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15: 4, 5
As disciples of Christ God calls us to love and care for one another. Be encouraged in how to respond to this call. Consider God's example and what hinders us from living out this calling. The development includes a very practical section on how to facilitate care for others, including how to ask questions well, and how to implement a plan. Each participant will be provided with prepared templates and resources to quickly begin facilitating care.
Connect with us to learn more.
Care Hub of Resources
Do you find it difficult to know where to start when you want to compassionately walk with someone in a hard place? We understand. It's tough to know where to look for support and it takes a lot of time. We are here to help you!
​Our Care Hub of Resources is accessible through our Director of Advocates. When you connect with us we'll listen to understand you and then offer resources and/or suggestions of resources to help you feel strengthened. Our resources include, but are not limited to, connections to counsellors, support groups, lawyers, and other professionals. We also have a growing list of books, podcasts and blogs specific to circumstances to recommend to you.
​Please connect with us today to get strengthened with guidance and resources to build up one another in the love of Christ!
Ongoing Support
This service is a treasured gift to churches. Our Director of Advocates is available to connect with you if you have questions about how to walk alongside someone. You may receive suggestions, connections, and resources that may be immediately helpful or you will be informed that more inquiries will be made to best support you. Prayer and encouragement will always be provided to you!
Collaborative Gatherings
We are very excited to offer regular gatherings where church members and leaders may gather to listen and learn from each other and God. Opening with encouragement from God’s word, resources and ideas will be shared, questions of concern for member care may be asked and prayer and support will be provided. Collaborate and learn how to care for member's needs in your church. This is a wonderful opportunity to be strengthened as one body of Christ across denominational and regional lines.
Our next gathering:
Stay tunned for more information​
Our blog is a space to read encouraging stories, explanations and summaries of ministries, books and other resources. It also provides extensions of our podcast for you to receive more insight into the people and information provided on the recordings. We are always looking for more ministries and resources to review and share with the church so please send in your suggestions to promote your work and to strengthen Christ’s church.
The Arise-Canada podcast, hosted by our own team, is an accessible way to learn about what God is doing through his people to support his church. Learn about ministries, services, research, and more from church leaders and members, ministry leaders, professionals, counselors and so many more. We’d love to hear from you! Do you have a topic or person you’d like to hear on our podcast? Do you have a resource or experience that you could share that would strengthen the church? Connect with us!
Is it beneficial to partner with Arise when our church has active caring elders, deacons and church leaders?
We believe that it is the responsibility of church leaders to care for their congregations. We provide churches with guidance and resources that will strengthen their ability to bear one another’s burdens with the love and encouragement of Christ. Arise-Canada seeks to supplement care, filling in the gaps of communication and sustainability with the involvement of an individual advocate or an advocate team.
Is anyone able to access the resources?
Yes! Churches may access it through a partnership with Arise-Canada.
How do you support the church advocates?
This is the strength of Arise-Canada. Our Director of Advocates is available for support anytime through email and calls but also at collaborative gatherings.
Are there different levels of partnerships for churches?
Yes. Full partnership includes access to all the services provided by Arise-Canada. However, partnerships can be made unique to your church.
I’m part of a ministry that has resources I’d like to make available to churches. How do I partner with Arise?
We'd love to hear from you! Connect with us!​